A.A. Starter Kit

Links to resources to get started in A.A.

To download a PDF with live links: [click here]

Find A.A. Meetings

At A.A. meetings you will meet alcoholics who have a message of recovery. At A.A. meetings you can form fellowship bonds and connect with others in recovery. For meetings in metrowest Massachusetts, visit the WAI Meetings Page.

Meeting Guide App

Smartphone users can use Meeting Guide, a mobile app available here and from AA.org or Google Play or the Apple App Store.

The "Big Book"

Alcoholics Anonymous, nicknamed "The Big Book," is the basic text of AA. The Big Book presents A.A.'s program of recovery through A.A.’s Twelve Steps, and a collection of personal stories of recovered alcoholics.

You can order a copy of the Big Book (hardbound, large print, pocket size, etc) from aaWorcester.org or read it online at aa.org/the-big-book. An audiobook version and an American Sign Language version are also available.

Other Helpful Resources

Print and online resources are listed under AA Resources or visit AA.org. Here are some pamphlets you may find helpful.

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